Expand By Demand - 10 Simple Steps to Savor Undeniable Success
Released on = March 22, 2006, 7:58 am
Press Release Author = Insight Publishing Group
Industry = Small Business
Press Release Summary = Why is it common to be pushed to the brink before finding a reason to grow? Discover why resistance is good and necessary for growth. Henry A. Penix, author of "Unwrap Your Gift" helps readers learn the art of expansion.
Press Release Body = (Tulsa, OK) Americans are dreamers. In fact you\'ll find nearly half a million results pop up when you Google "fulfill your dreams." If you want to learn how to turn your dreams into reality, while using resistance to help move you forward, you can!
"Every time you accomplish an \'impossible challenge\' or press your way through a difficult situation, you become stronger. You are preparing yourself for your next steps towards greatness," says Henry A. Penix, author of Unwrap Your Gift (Insight Publishing Group, $17.99, www.unwrapyourgift.com).
Once you have identified your personal giftings and dreams. Implement these 10 action steps into your daily routine and begin living the life of your dreams now!
1. Decide who you will show your gift to
Be very selective when deciding with whom you should share your gift. Some will just tell you what you want to hear. Others may be taunted by what has gone wrong in their own lives. Share with people you trust and respect.
2. Find someone who has already succeeded
Be careful not to copy the other person but study them and gather information and ideas that you can use to support your own.
3. Reevaluate and clarify your goal After taking these first two steps, make sure this is still something that you want to do!
4. Time your grand entrance
Until the implementation of your gift is producing enough cash flow to support you, don\'t quit your day job.
5. Develop your plan
Complete a thorough business plan to help guide the way.
6. Get on the same page
As your vision develops make sure you\'re on the same page with your key players (spouse, significant other business partner etc.).
7. Look for others to help you
Recruit others even more talented to join you as your goal begins to become reality.
8. Establish a support group
Nurture healthy relationships with your friends and family. Those closest to you will be your grandest cheerleaders. Nurture them!
9. Decide that you are going to succeed
Choose to succeed with 100% commitment.
10. Readjust until you reach your goal
Adjustments will be made to your initial plan, don\'t get discouraged and never give up!
"Once you have a vision, take these 10 simple steps to implement your vision and attain undeniable success," says Penix.
For more information, visit www.unwrapyourgift.com and receive your FREE report on "What to Do With What You Have."
Web Site = http://www.unwrapyourgift.com
Contact Details = Henry A. Penix Box 8010 Tulsa , 74101-8010 $$country
918-447-2777 Henry@hapm.com http://www.unwrapyourgift.com
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